I’m confused. Very, very confused.
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, says his country is in imminent danger of being nuked off the face of the earth by Iran.
But he wants every Jew to flee terror attacks in the rest of the world…and come to live in Israel?
Makes perfect sense, right?
Well, no, obviously it doesn’t.
Netanyahu’s reaction to the latest appalling terror attacks in Denmark, which echoed sentiments he expressed after the Charlie Hebdo outrage in Paris, is a disgrace: cowardly, self-serving, crassly insensitive and overtly political.
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in the midst of a tough reelection fight and is trying to portray himself as a savior of Jews around the world, writes Piers Morgan
He’s got an election coming up, one he’s in serious danger of losing.
So what better way to galvanize the Israeli electorate than to portray himself as the great savior of all Jews around the world?
But, of course, it would have the complete opposite effect to the one he suggests.
If every Jew in the world DID heed his clarion call to emigrate to Israel, then the only winners would be Islamic fundamentalists.
ISIS and Al Qaeda would absolutely love every Jew fleeing their homes and heading to Israel. It would be the greatest imaginable PR coup for them.
Jair Melchior, Denmark’s chief rabbi, got it right when he said: ‘People from Denmark move to Israel because they love Israel, not because of terrorism. If the way to deal with terror is to run somewhere else, we should all run to a deserted island.’
Netanyahu is also trying, cynically in my view, to depict the current war on terror as a war solely on Jews, which is palpable nonsense.
The Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage was a Muslim.
The 21 Egyptians recently beheaded on a beach in Libya were Coptic Christians.
In Paris, the second attack, in the kosher supermarket, was clearly aimed specifically at Jews. But the first attack, on the Charlie Hebdo offices, was aimed at cartoonists, of all religions.

The lifeless body of the terrorism suspect lays a sidewalk in Copenhagen following a shootout with police. He is believed to be the man who killed two people in a pair of attacks in the Danish city this weekend
Similarly, in Copenhagen, the first shooting attack was aimed at a café where a cartoonist who had mocked Prophet Mohammed was speaking. The audience was multi-racial, multi-religion.
The second attack, on a synagogue, was, we presume, deliberately targeting Jews.
So yes, Jews are in danger. But so are we all.
That is not to negate the very real, and very troubling rise in anti-Semitism, especially in Europe.
One that requires immediate and effective action from the leaders of all countries where it is happening.
But the answer is not to fly the white flag of surrender and flee.
As the Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, said: ‘They (Jews) belong in Denmark, they are a strong part of our community, and we will do everything we can to protect the Jewish community in our country.’
The same applies to Britain, France, America and any other country with significant Jewish populations.
I interviewed Netanyahu several times for CNN, most notably when I flew to Jerusalem in 2011 and spent a morning with him.